OWMC - Hello world!

Hello world!

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OWMC - Le infamous CPT ‘current parent’ menu highlighting problem

Le infamous CPT ‘current parent’ menu highlighting problem

Often a bit of a plague this one. I’ve looked around and there are a fair few solutions out there on offer. But none of them seemed straight forward, lean or versatile enough. Until I stumbled upon this snippet on Github (nb. please note the missing apostrophes around slug on line 12 of Github code). […]

OWMC - DOMPDF and WordPress

DOMPDF and WordPress

Making PDFs by filling in a simple form is pretty cool. Loads of possible applications. I’ll leave it to your imagination. In this blog post though, i’m going to go through one possible method.

OWMC - Why a Single Page Website (SPW) is often just wrong

Why a Single Page Website (SPW) is often just wrong

I do not believe there is never a case for ever deploying a SPW. There is. And when there is, that is what you should deploy. However, 9/10 times I’m asked to build a SPW, it is objectively the wrong thing to do. In brief, as Speider Schneider put it quite succinctly: When the desire to […]

OWMC - Social Network Share Buttons without a Plugin

Social Network Share Buttons without a Plugin

In my previous post I talked about setting up a WordPress self hosted blog with minimal coding… in fact I think it involved ZERO coding. Part of that exercise included adding Social media share buttons to posts. I ended up recommending a plugin. Anyway, back in the real world where people develop websites seriously and […]

OWMC - Setting up a quick, slick, self-hosted WordPress blog in 2017

Setting up a quick, slick, self-hosted WordPress blog in 2017

WordPress is still known by some as merely a blogging platform. And it does that well. I never use it for that though, I use it as a fully fledged CMS. It does this just as well (the only drawback of WP that I consider at all worthy of attention is scaling for huge audiences. […]